Kod mene je uvijek sve naopako, pa sam tako ove godine odlučila poslati ruže dečku u ured. Muškima moraš pokazati primjerom pa tako možda i ja sljedeće godine dobijem kutiju punu ruža vezanih svilenom vrpcom haha :))) U Flower Box-u sam bila dočekana uz ovacije kao prva žena koja šalje cvijeće svom dečku :D Iznenađenja su sve.
Da se vratim na zvjezdice, super jednostavan kolač, mirsni biskvit s dodatkom svježeg sira i fine čokolade koji može biti u obliku koji zaželite ili ga jednostavno, bez kompliciranja ispečete u plehu. Smislila ga je moja teta prije puno godina, kada kako kaže nije imala dovoljno sastojaka niti za jedan kolač pa je izmislila jedan novi od sastojaka koje je imala :)
U kojem ga god obliku pripremili, vjerujte, nestaje velikom brzinom još dok je onako topao, a čokolada meka.... :)
Potrebni sastojci:
- 140g šećera
- 200g glatkog brašna
- 150ml mlijeka
- 80ml ulja
- 4 jaja (odvojiti)
- vanil šećer
- prašak za pecivo
- ribana limunova korica
- 200g svježeg sira
- 100-150g tamne čokolade
- šećer u prahu za posipanje
1. Pripremite dvije zdjele i mikser ili pjenjaču. U jednu odvojite žutanjke, a u drugu bjelanjke. Žutanjke izmiksajte sa šećerom. Dodajte, brašno, ulje, mlijeko, vanil šećer i prašak za pecivo pa još malo miksajte dok se sastojci ne povežu. Nema tu neke filozofije :)
2. Istucite bjelanjke pa ih dodajte u gotovu smjesu s malo ribane limunove korice, umiješajte nježnim pokretima, ne miksati.
3. Namastite kalup u kojem ćete peći kolač. Oštrim nožem isjecite čokoladu na sitne kockice. Ulijte smjesu u kalup pa po njoj posipajte kockicama čokolade, a malom žličicom rasporedite svježi sir. Količinu sira i čokolade odredite sami kako više volite :)
4. Pecite na 180oC 20ak min - ovisi o kalupima u kojima ćete peći, ako su manji onda kraće.
5. Poslužite toplo i uživajte :)
Preslatke su mi ove tvoje zvjezdice i mislim da je super to sa slanjem cvijeca :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti puno :) Treba se igrati sa tim formama i oblicima, zar ne? Kao i sa slanjem cvijeca haha :*
OdgovoriIzbrišiBas mi se dopadaju ove tvoje zvezdice, nisam do sada vidjala takve kalupe:) Super su!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti Natasa :) Kalupe sam dobila iz Nizozemske, silikonski su i u njima se jako lijepo pece :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiJooooooooooooooooj, da mi je bilo vidjeti reakciju kad je u ured stiglo cvijeće :)Ove zvjezdice su pun pogodak! Oblik i boja savršeni!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa mislim da bi moj umro od neugode da mu u ured pošaljem cvijeće;), tim više - thumbs up! A zvjezdice su neodoljive!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj kako su dobre, spojila si savršene sastojke <3
OdgovoriIzbrišija volim kombinaciju sira i čokolade i baš mi se sviđaju ove zvjezdice
OdgovoriIzbrišiDobila sam preslatke četvrtaste silikonske kalupiće koje želim isprobati, i odmah bilježim ovaj receptić jer svježi sir & čokolada, e to mi se jako dopada :) Slanje cvijeća mi je super akcija, što da ne?;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasno i izvrsno ! Ovo mi se jako sviđa !
OdgovoriIzbrišiovo super izgleda, definitivno ću probati :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt was so long ago that I saw Sideways... What did the guy say??As for the recipe, I shall be giraethng up the ingredients at my farmer's market this Saturday and making up a big batch... Today was a stew day - blustery, rainy, and chilly!! The rest of the week looks the same here in Peterborough, Ontario!
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt was dark when I woke. This is a ray of snushine.
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OdgovoriIzbrišiQuah man, relax the shoulders in the start. Looks a bit too uihtgpt. Although all my life I've known you with that squeky voice, can tone down a bit? haha Nevermind if you can't =PShaun please project voice a bit louder. Hard to catch at times. Perhaps it's a mic problem? The visuals/little pictures of items flashing is good. Not too sure if 11 minutes is too long? i find it hard to concentrate or stay engaged for the entire thing.If there are 2 persons giving opinions, how about writing the taste down separately, then show it to audience together and then discuss why the opinion is same or different.
OdgovoriIzbrišisometimes i really wodner why they open restaurant and never use their heart to prepare food, how will the customer come again? i always respect those that cook with no short cut... hope their business always be great, and bring more friends to support... ^ - ^
OdgovoriIzbrišiCROne of the best video finds IMHO.The guy simply is rellay onto something. Marc Stevens was mentioned and his 'conflict of interest' deconstruction of parking ticket courts is truly awesome in it's simplicity.I reckon most 'statute violations' can be taken down with the same approach.I like defender have developed a real issue with my local water company and am developing it further by asking all of my utility companies for contracts. It seems at the moment there are none and there never have been.2011 is shaping up to be a very interesting year. It will be extremely interesting if enough Irishmen and women wake up and through the EU budget out in January.
OdgovoriIzbrišias someone who eats the ever linvig shit out pasta about every other day, i accept this hug graciously. also, what brand of whole wheat pasta do you buy?
OdgovoriIzbrišiJust cooked this toginht. Followed the recipe except instead of cooking it on the hob, I placed it in a casserole dishe and let it cook covered for 1 and a half hours and then uncovered for half an hour. I added some broad beans (crazy about them) and some thick smoked back bacon and WOw WOW WOW WOw, an explosion of flavours. The tenderness of the meat, the sweetness of the carrots and broad beans contrasting with the saltiness of the bacon and the sharp wine flavours...Just WOW. Thanks Chef John!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAwsome, I love this dish and i just want to give you guys a tip for whats awsome for this dish.There is aslaett 1 ingreedient that you must try sometime and its "Smoked (not bacon but the thicker slices)" and buy a whole smoked piece and cut it into 1x1 cm pieces and use that.Its unbelivable delicious! it ads a bit of salty and smoked flavor and it fits perfektly with the whine.Awsome.// P.S if anyone know what piece of meat i mean could you translate ? as im not from america.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm so happy it was such beautiful weaethr this weekend for your visit to the winery! Reds are good Joe brought home a bottle of Blackstone that same night you told me about it but he picked up Pinot Noir. Can't wait to try it!Glad you had a wonderful weekend and we'll have to do lunch this week! xoxo
OdgovoriIzbrišiHey Jon, thanks for the cmoment. Agreed, Josh really has been doing a great job. I was just in Walla Walla in October, and absolutely loved the wines that I tasted while I was there. Can't wait to taste more great Washington wine on Thursday.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like the second canbeit, had no idea that you could get canbeits to hide away a flat screen tv, but why not..lol... I too love the deep colors for fall and winter. But whatever you decide I know it'll look gorgeous and I can't wait to see what you do next. Xoxo, Jannet